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What Rachel can offer
SEND reviews/strategic support for schools
SEND reviews/strategic support for schools
Training for schools
Training for schools
Universities/local authorities
Universities/local authorities
Whole school/MAT SEND review and action planning
Targeted CPD following review process
Staff coaching; 1-to-1 or teams
Strategic support for SEN team
Upskilling senior leadership teams on statutory frameworks/best practise re SEND/Inclusion
Staff well being CPD/planning
Support staff/teaching assistant training
Effective use of teaching assistants
Trauma and attachment informed practise
Restorative approaches
Supporting learners with SEND
Inclusive teaching approaches – linked to book ‘Inclusive Teaching in a Nutshell’
Supporting emotions
Supporting children with medical needs
Mental health and well being
Working with vulnerable groups - e.g. children in care
Inclusive teaching for interns/NQTs
Bite sized CPD – short videos on key areas e.g. literacy difficulties, working memory strategies, giving instructions, questioning, pre-teaching vocabulary, sensory environment etc
Nasenco award sessions including deployment of TAs, CPD development, developing the SEN team
Inclusive teaching - linked to book ‘Inclusive Teaching in a Nutshell’
Support for SENCo networks - bespoke training on request
CPD for schools to raise awareness of children in care - link to LA Virtual Schools
Bespoke training around SEND for PGCE/BEd students and ECT programmes
“Rachel’s session with our Geography PGCE interns was brilliant, drawing on her deep range of experiences across a variety of school contexts. She communicated a passion for the subject and for inclusion as a higher aim of education, supported through a number of practical strategies. This was captured well in feedback on the session from an intern who described the aim of inclusion being to ‘allow everyone to access and love geography as much as we do’”
Steve Puttick, Associate Professor of Teacher Education, Dept of Education , University of Oxford
'Just had a fabulous session with Rachel,
Very incisive, supportive, positive and lots of pointers – the right balance of challenge and support.
Apologies this is not a ‘proper’ evaluation but if I were to rate out of 5 – it’s a 5 !
Highly recommended'.
Owain Johns Head Teacher UTC Didcot ( SEND Review)
'We were delighted with the session Rachel facilitated for us and had a positive response from staff'. Niamh Dolan, Deputy Head Teacher, Blessed George Napier.
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